Typhon Missiles, Human Rights and Filipinos
“I am outraged by the sight of children, already so vulnerable in war, suffering the terror of attack while receiving medical treatment.
Appallingly, we see this again and again, not just in Ukraine, but also in Gaza, Sudan, and elsewhere…
The pursuit of war – the practice of escalation – cannot become the new normal…
War is the worst enemy of human rights. It is an aberration, not just in the current context, but also everywhere else.
It has to be shunned and peace must be found in line with the UN Charter and international law…”
UNHCHR, Volker Türk
US Typhon Missiles push War in Asia
Since February 2023, when Bongbong Marcos, Jr. pivoted to America and accept the Philippines’ proxy role in the US strategy of permanent and global war, our country has been compelled to accept the systematic escalation and expansion of war preparations and installations that consist of four additional U.S. military bases in the Philippines – 3 in Northern Luzon that have close proximity to Taiwan, China and 1 in close proximity to the SCS in overlapping claims areas that we contest with other ASEAN countries and China.
These added US military installations, plus countless unregistered support facilities, all violate the 1987 Philippine Constitution, specifically, Article XVIII, Section 25 that prohibits foreign military bases and troops in the country. To make matters worse, the U.S. and its proxies have insidiously installed Typhon missiles systems, ostensibly for “military exercises” initially, but now have become permanent and are being expanded through the infusion of more missiles that the Americans have forced the Philippines to purchase.
These U.S. Typhon missiles (SM versions and Tomahawks( are nuke-capable and threaten identified U.S. containment targets. Russia has reacted most strongly, warning the Philippines is now in its crosshairs, while China has demanded the missiles be removed as they bring “intensified geopolitical confrontation and escalated tensions in the region…” China has every right to demand the removal of the U.S. missile launchers and missiles based on the principle of “indivisible security”.
Allowing these missiles on Philippine territory violate the ASEAN’s Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality pact and the Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapons Free Zone pact, decades-long agreements intended precisely to prevent war and nuclear danger to the region. These violations occur despite ASEAN perseverance to perfect the ASEAN-China Code of Conduct in the South China Sea to preserve peace, stability and prosperity in the region.
U.S. is Enemy of Human Rights, U.S. Proxies complicit.
The U.S. was instrumental in 248 armed conflicts on 153 regions of the world from World War II to 2001. Since then, dozens more U.S. armed conflicts have been added to the, with millions more killed in these wars, not counting hundreds of thousands more that were murdered in terrorist wars backed by the U.S. In “War is a racket”, his aptly-titled book on the U.S. wars and the U.S. defense industry, American soldier Gen. Smedley D. Butler chronicled U.S. alliances with paid proxies in each country where they waged these wars.
If “War” is the worst enemy of Human Rights, then the U.S., as the chief instigator of War, is the worst enemy of Human Rights, the worst enemy of the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness of Humanity. These rights are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nation’s that was given birth after Second World War. Yet, today, we see the U.S. creating the Third World War, which is spreading from Ukraine, to Gaza and Lebanon, to Syria, and to Asia. Unless the U.S. is stopped.
Installation of U.S. Typhon missile launchers and their accompanying missiles weapons, whether conventional and nuclear, in the Philippines symbolizes the final stages of U.S. strategic preparations for War in Asia. These are meant to use the Philippines as launching pad and decoy for Russia, North Korean and China to initiate pre-emptive or retaliatory strikes when the time comes. According to U.S. Agile Combat Employment (ACE) strategy, these strikes will first devastate the Philippines in the First Island Chain before the other U.S. bases.
American generals have long projected war in Asia: U.S. Air Force Gen. Mike Minihan made such a prediction for 2025, the US. Pacific Command’s Adm. John Aquilino saw it for 2027, and most recently, the Indo-Pac Commander Adm. Samuel J. Paparo said in November 2024 that “the closer we get to 2027, the less relevant the date becomes… we must be ready today, tomorrow, next month, next year, and onward.” War may be sooner than anyone expects with these missiles in place.
China: Philippine and Global Brother
Through its stranglehold of the Philippines global information space, the U.S. has long enjoyed dominance in the latter’s superficial public consciousness, using over a hundred years of “pensionados” and freshly-minted “scholars” molded by U.S. educational grants, exchange student fellowships and, more recently, media grants and fellowships. U.S. dominance, backed by its near monopoly of Philippine media though proxies in in Philippine economic-political oligarchy controlled through American financial power continue to spew forth a never-ending narrative of “China as threat” and “China as bully.
China has never entertained colonial designs on its independent neighbors, instead concentrating on trade over millennia, a policy that prevails today. South China Sea controversies have been heightened in the past four decades because of deliberate misunderstandings created by the U.S. on the dubious overlap of UNCLOS and International Customary Law, In contrast, Indonesia and China achieved in a joint venture pact through peaceful Wini-Win negotiations in November 2024.
Ironically, negotiations between China and the Philippines to forge the Reed Bank oil-gas joint venture had begun prior to the Indonesia-China agreement. During his term, President Rodrigo R. Duterte expressed commitment to this partnership but he was sabotaged by US proxy Teodoro Locsin on behalf of Manuel Pangilinan who is linked to the U.S. Forum Energy. Even though the U.S. and Bongbong Marcos have tried to antagonize China using a “blame and shame” strategy to provoke sea clashes with the Chinese Coast Guard, Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian has persistently offered to “meet halfway.”
Far from being a bully or a threat, China has always been a benefit to ASEAN, and now to the World. China is the top trading partner of all ASEAN countries and of over 120 countries around the globe. It is the chief economic driver of the ASEAN and Asian economies, through the Belt and Road Initiative and BRICS, the AIIB and New Development Bank. It is the top infrastructure investor in the developing countries Africa, Latin America, West Asia, Pacific Island communities and, of course, ASEAN.
Expelling the U.S. Typhon system, missiles and bases.
The Ukraine War was prepared in 2014 through the regime change that installed the puppet Zelensky. Further preparations took another eight years, with the West sending massive supplies of weapons in January 2022 that compelled Russia to initiate its own Special Military Operations.
The U.S. started its proxy war preparations in the Philippines February 2023 began intensifying cognitive warfare , delivered its Typhon missile launchers twelve months later, and announced their permanence a few months thereafter.
Throughout this period, the Philippines armed forces was being integrated to become an adjunct U.S. Armed Forces: vintage equipment from U.S. and allies S. Korea and Japan augmented the Philippine arsenal, new units, such as unmanned sea surveillance boats, were set up and recently intelligence fusion projects have been established. Despite advice from its defense think tank that a U.S. war against China cannot be won, the U.S. persists, if only to drag Asian GDP by 30% as a complementary strategy to revive U.S. economic recovery.
In this coming U.S. war against China, the Philippines will suffer large, irremediable damage as Ukraine is suffering today together with the European economy as the U.S. sells energy to E.U. that is four times more expensive than Russian prices despite the U.S. sabotage of North Stream 2 pipeline.
To save ourselves, it is imperative that the Filipino people sustain the “Anti-US/BBM War, Anti-US Bases and Typhon Missiles Protests” that has been launched by the ACPSSII and cooperating groups.
The Philippines must expel the U.S. military bases within its territory and in the ASEAN region. It must, generate mass understanding of the perils of the U.S. military bases, troops and Typhon missiles through public mass actions, such as, motorcades and caravans, rallies and pickets, school and university symposiums, media disseminations. It must form alliances, lobby government entities, and inform the ASEAN and international communities of Filipino opposition to U.S. wars everywhere.
Following our successful Manila-Bulacan-Isalbela-Tuguegarao anti-War, Anti-Base Peace Caravan in 2024, we shall launch congresses, symposiums and caravans in Cagayan de Oro and Davao City to protest the U.S. Bases in Mindanao upon the onset of 2025. In Luzon, an area of our particular attention shall be the Laoag Airport, Ilocos Norte where the U.S. Typhon missile launcher and missile arsenal are located.
The U.S. military bases and Typhon missile installations must be expelled, expunged from the Philippines and Asia.
Herman “Ka Mentong” Tiu Laurel
is a broadcast journalist. He is a former columnist of Daily Tribune (INFOWARS and DIE HARD III; Mondays and Wednesday) and OpinYon (Consumers’ Demand!, Critic’s Critic, and People’s Struggle; weekly). He hosted Talk News TV and Journeys: Chronicles of our Asian Century, both on Global News Network. He is now the host of the radio and live stream program Global Talk News Radio for Radyo Pilipinas 1 – 738AM, which broadcasts every Sunday 8AM to 10AM. While in quarantine, he is hosting the live stream program Power Thinks on his personal Facebook page Herman Laurel (fb.com/hermantiulaurel) and the Global Talk News Radio Facebook page (fb.com/globaltalknewsradio) He was also the former Administrator of the Philippine Refugee Processing Center (PRPC; now called the Bataan Technology Park, Inc.) during the administration of Corazon C. Aquino.
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